9 definitions by charlie root

n. 1) doing something incredibly stupid by accident, usually resulting in a core router or production database being shut down.
running 'route delete default' or 'ipfw add 0001 reset ip from any' from a remote SSH connection
by charlie root August 27, 2003
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1) a futile act
2) a not-so-subtle way of asking someone to go away and not come back for a while.
by charlie root June 9, 2003
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see syn. at Denial of Service, DoS
n. 1) a datagram
v. 1) to flood someone's computer with datagrams, rendering it non-responsive or forcing it to disconnect from a network
<opt1k> stfu before i packet you offline
by charlie root February 5, 2003
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1) a programming term, meaning 'to increment by one'. often used to imply someone is above average in a certain characteristic.

2) a form of rating, giving a person/place/inanimate object a higher "karma"

see ant. at minusminus
Also, ++.
1) "dude, you're like.. nerdy plus plus"
2) "pkgadd rocks! solaris++."
by charlie root March 25, 2003
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1) the opposite of plusplus. one who is lacking in a certain characteristic

2) to give an object a lower "karma" rating

see ant. at plusplus
also: --
1) "I heard that mkart64 was hung--"
2) "hangover = tequila--"
by charlie root March 25, 2003
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A luke-warmblooded mammal, whose natural habitat is any environment within closer range of a CRT monitor or keyboard. Its diet is composed primarily of highly caffeinated and/or alcoholic liquids. Occasionally sighted on efnet, very little physical evidence of it exists. Anthropologists have debated the existence of "ecoli" for years.

see syn. at unix nerd, perlboy, ninja
<ecoli> omg stfu! rtfm, ffs.
by charlie root February 5, 2003
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