10 definitions by buckeyeoh

Someone who practices Hinduism in the USA.

Hinduism is a religion that worships food above people namely cows.

They own large warehouses that make cheap manufactured products that force people to eat from their vending machines have no hamburgers.
Eggs and ham pork cheese and bacon but not a hamburger can be found

damn hindu worshiping bull balls licking

by buckeyeoh November 24, 2019
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Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.
The 8 year old girl will rest in power until the fucking bastard is arrested by the police.
by buckeyeoh July 7, 2020
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When somebody takes a shit so large that the top of it is higher than the toilet water.
Hey Joe!!! check out this turdburg, No Way a plunger's getting that out!!!
Damn!!! it's been there so long, its been growing moss!!!
by buckeyeoh September 16, 2014
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Stated to a coworker grabbing your chocolate milk out of the company's fridge:
by buckeyeoh January 11, 2019
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A $5 whore. Ugly fat, has a vagina with a single ball hanging off it. Only does blow jobs, has one tooth that may slice your dick off.

Only used in frat initiations.
Tell the pumpernickel that you will give her $50, get a blow job, give her the $5, then run like hell.
by buckeyeoh September 17, 2019
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Scottish for redneck.

There are many Cochran families in the United States known mostly for their exceptional intelligence.

Protestant for the most part not known for having large families greater than two children.

Unlike many of their detractors who breed without control and have to beg for jobs do to their uncontrolled breeding like dogs.
That Cochran just took my job even tho I have 5 kids from three different women where's my welfare.
by buckeyeoh February 10, 2019
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Smells like shit because the owner locks it in the apartment all the time while the dog barks day and night.
dog friendly apartment: knock on door. " Hi I'm your neighbor it is 2:00 am can you please silence your barking dog" while thinking Christ I'm going to upchuck from the stench.
by buckeyeoh November 15, 2017
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