20 definitions by boon

Occurs when a brogan has been ground into powder. Often used to make broganite.
After drinking a bottle of single malt, Colonel Moodus laid a particularly violent brogan which made outstanding browder for the local infantry.
by boon March 1, 2004
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CP came out of Creation steaming last night.
by boon July 26, 2003
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Applies when a person sits the opposite way on the shitter during the act of laying a grogan. ie Facing the wall.

This term can also apply to laying of a brogan and aargan, but not usually a frogan.
Bill particularly enjoyed laying reverse grogans due to the fascinating mural of Bertha's aggots on the wall.
by boon March 10, 2004
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The Shogan is an abbreviation for a "SHithouse grOGAN". This is a grogan that is so poor (in either length, viscosity, smell or voraciousness) that upon being laid in the crapper, it is rejected by it, and consequently will not flush down.

This term can also apply to the grogette, giving rise to the shogette.

See also the rogan, or the Royal Grogan, which is the antithesis of the shogan.
After 5 days eating only steak, Murgatroyd laid a grogan of such poor performance and such sub-optimal grandeur, that it was promptly rejeted by the dumper. That day Murgatroyd laid a shogan.
by boon September 8, 2004
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The brocket comes from a marriage of the words broganite and rocket. Essentially the brocket is a rocket fueled by broganite used in modern warfare. Due to the immense power of the active ingredient browder (derived from black grogan brogan powder), the brocket has been known to be fired over 1000's of miles. It is a form of non-conventional warfare due to its akrid stench upon detonation, and ability to shower all in a 40mile radius with grogan remnants.
After the Palestinian Qassam rockets were successfully taken out of operation by the Israeli counter-terrorist forces, they began to use Brockets with devastating results for all caught in its path.
by boon October 15, 2004
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This word generally applies to a grogan laid in snow or icy weater, upon where it freezes, resulting in the aptly named "frogan".
My grogan became a frogan before it hit the bowl as someone left the igloo door open.
by boon January 6, 2004
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A black, solid and generally foul smelling grogan that follows a night on the bourbon (whisky). Differs from a standard grogan in its colour and texture
Man, that grogan was darker than Khamal.
by boon December 16, 2003
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