9 definitions by boing
by boing February 5, 2021
by boing March 4, 2021
by boing May 7, 2005
A guy with a styrofoam head that's been through a lot of stuff. Beaten up a lot by Flamingo/Albert before his head got ripped apart
Flamingo: Felipe this is your fault! -proceeds to beat felipe until his head is completely destroyed-
by boing February 5, 2021
by boing March 4, 2021
Person 1: so what did you do during that short break?
Person 2: I was bored so I played Survival the Albert the Killer on roblox
Person 2: I was bored so I played Survival the Albert the Killer on roblox
by boing February 11, 2021
A foolish pillock often assoiciated with vagrants, queers and muppets. Usually sports a shaved head an adidas trousers.
by boing January 24, 2005