7 definitions by bob hermansonton

ryan, you have poobreath, go drink some dr. smooth and use some listerine pocket paks.
by bob hermansonton March 22, 2006
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someone who is 100% fat and resembles a mammoth
holy you mammoth, go lose some weight
by bob hermansonton March 22, 2006
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referring to someones huge buck teeth. also refer as buck-bucks or bucks.
holy crap, you have HUGE buckers.
by bob hermansonton March 22, 2006
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referring to someones oddly shaped head that resembles a bread loaf.
by bob hermansonton March 22, 2006
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referring to someones muscular man boobs. made by use of steriods and these can also be perky.
"nice perky muscle moobs, go inject some steriods"
by bob hermansonton March 22, 2006
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tub butter, as in a fat blonde. tub means fat and butter refers to her blonde hair
look at the gut on tub butter.
by bob hermansonton March 22, 2006
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