16 definitions by bitchboysaga6969

round sphere like things that are placed on a females chest, a small version of heaven.
"Yo, Illena's boobs are the only thing keeping me alive, they are heaven!"
by bitchboysaga6969 November 24, 2020
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a material that is used for washing your hands, body, or basically anything.
"mom we need to buy more soap, the neighbor broke in and stole ours"

"what on earth and i will"
by bitchboysaga6969 January 26, 2021
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a phrase used to show something cool or swagg, look at the example.
by bitchboysaga6969 November 24, 2020
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a sad platform where everything is sexualized, 11 year olds think its swagg, this is the reason you have trust issues, where broke middle school drop outs hang out.
"i was up all night writing urbandictionary definitions! im like literally so swagg B)"
by bitchboysaga6969 November 24, 2020
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pain, and pain only

i.e. my life
"my cumsock got lost and im scared my mom will find it"

"only pain sorry man"
by bitchboysaga6969 April 29, 2021
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you are most likely not laughing your ass off but this phrase is usually used in awkward situations and or for sarcasm or to express something funny
"lmao...my mom's picking me up, bye."
"lmao your so funny i cant even live hahhaahahhahaahhhh"
"lmao, thats some real shit, im deaddd"
by bitchboysaga6969 January 20, 2021
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a phrase used commonly by indian married males to 14 year old girls on omegle. the "friendship" will be ended when he tries to peer pressure you into sending nudes.
"becky i want to make friendship with you"
"arent you married?"
"yes yes but its good"
by bitchboysaga6969 February 9, 2021
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