12 definitions by bigspence

The act of being the least drunk one of your friends and because of this, you become the default chaperone.
We went to a party last night and everyone got hammered right away. My fat ass didnt get drunk that quick and i had to become the drunkerone for the night.
by bigspence October 30, 2018
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The act of inserting anal beads into your partner's rectal cavity and getting into a pool or some body of water. The partner without the anal beads inside them then holds on the beads and 'tugboats' the person around the body of water by wading through the water.
She said she wanted to try something new, so i suggested the Tijuana Tugboat. It was pretty fun but the pool got gross.
by bigspence February 10, 2021
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Hoe Class: The act of a girl or group of girls consulting with their sluttiest friend in order to up their own sexual game.
Bro last night the girls had a girls night and a straight up Hoe Class broke out when they started teaching each other how to suck dick using beer bottles.
by bigspence April 6, 2019
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The act of being a third wheel with a couple, and the couple gets into an argument in front of you and you are left feeling weird.
Friend #1: I went out with Jimmy and Sarah last night
Friend #2: Oh Cool! How was it.
Friend #1: Dude they fought all night.
Friend #2: that sucks
Friend #1: I know dude i had third feels all night
by bigspence October 5, 2018
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When you get a pain in your stomach from the fear of your Google auto complete revealing something terrible that you have Googled before while someone watches you type.
My step mom asked me to look up a Thai restaurant near us, as soon as i typed in Thai i got a really bad case of Google Gut, because i didnt know what the auto search was going to bring up.
by bigspence April 7, 2019
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The act of having secret or discreet sex while in the presence of another person or persons. The cuddy fuck is silent and the movement should be hard to notice.
Last night my roommate Cuddy Fucked his girlfriend while i was in the room. I thought they were taking a nap but it turns out they were fucking really quietly.
by bigspence October 4, 2018
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When a woman says she is cold and a man shits on her chest to keep her warm
Her: Baby, im cold
Him: Do you want an eskimo pie?
Her: oh yes please that will warm me up
by bigspence January 2, 2021
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