10 definitions by big l

1. Noun. Crack cocaine. See also: base, chips, crack.
Tariq rolls marbles in the park.
by big l February 17, 2004
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Taiwan is the diamond of Asia/Pacific Islands. Thought to be a ecnomic powerhouse and the most economically sound country in all of Asia of our time. The Chinese throughout time have considered Taiwan a rebel state. We say... shove it. Because of our status within the world, the US stations naval carriers and destroyers along the strait of Taiwan to make sure the Chinese dont get a little bold.
Student: Sir if you could describe Taiwan in one word ho-...
Teacher: Perfect
by big l December 27, 2005
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1. A delicious British confectionary comprised of a finger shaped biscuit covered in milk chocolate

2. The surprising and often alarming sexual act whereby a lady of questionable morals inserts her digit(s) into a gentlemans anus as he nears orgasm in an effort to heighten the intensity
1. John: Fucking hell, Dave! Have you eaten all my Cadbury's fingers again, you greedy bastard?
Dave: Yeah, sorry, mate. I was stoned.

2. Lady1: I say, Lady Poncemby-Smythe, your Reginald looks awfully glum today.
Lady2: Yes, Ms. Hartley-Woodford. Not to worry, I shall cheer him up with a cup of Earl Grey tea and a Cadbury's Finger.
Lady1: Oh? I never knew he liked you to stick a finger up his arse as he shoots his load.
by big l June 10, 2006
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Any town in northamptonshire where the 18-24 year olds spend all the money they earn making cardboard boxes or flipping burgers, on fins stupid exhausts, spoilers, wanky dump valves and other parephanalia on their shitty 20 year old mk3 escort.
by big l March 13, 2003
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The act of pinching someone's nostrils to cut off their air supply from their nose. At this point, the person will have to open their mouth to breathe. When this happens, the pincher urinates inside the unwillingly open mouth of the victim.
Yo, Dee gave Hilary a dandelion!
by big l May 7, 2004
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