47 definitions by bean

The newest way to hate your friends since actual communication. Also, the best way to hide your actual identity.
Beeblebrox1337: Dude, you are lame.
Deathapefornicator: I know.
by bean April 10, 2005
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Secret character in the Capcom video game Street Fighter Alpha 2. Anybody who uses him is considered cheesy.
"Man would you stop fucking using those double air fireballs!"
by bean April 1, 2003
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chicken broth for a soup---european
put some hey in the pot
by bean March 6, 2005
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To cry "whoop" in as a crazed war cry.
Run Jonny, We're fucked now, I just heard the Mafia "Whoop the whoop"
by bean July 10, 2003
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A one-dimensional person.
Someone who has no depth to them whatsoever.
Paris Hilton has a cardboard personality.
by bean March 15, 2005
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Having been given food.
"You got served. Enjoy your meal, sir."
by bean September 10, 2004
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Noun: a male who is outwardly homophobic because he is secretly homosexual.
by bean January 27, 2004
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