35 definitions by bari

Janus is the son of Queen Zeal from 12.000 BC Dark Ages who got send through a Time Warp to 600 AD.

There he was found by Ozzie and raised to be the leader of the Mystics/Demons known as Magus.
He kills Cyrus and turns Glenn into a frog and fights a war against the human race.
However, all he wanted was to summon Lavos and destroy it to get revenge for his sister Shala.

When Crono beats him in 600 AD,he accidently gets send back to 12.000 BC and acts as the Prophet for his mother Queen Zeal (who doesn't know the true identity of the Prophet/Magus).
After Queen Zeal summons Lavos ,
Magus tries to kill it and gets defeated.

Later (if you choose to let him live) he will join your party.

After destroying Queen Zeal in the Black Omen, he finally destroys Lavos with Chrono.

Later, he goes back to 600 AD and tries to find a way to find his sister Shala.

He uses scythes and Shadow Magic.
His most powerful attack is Dark Matter.
"Play with fire and you will get burned" ~ Magus

"Playtime is over, DARK MATTER!!!!"~Magus
by bari May 7, 2005
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A teleport move from K'in the King of Fighters fighting game series.

down,down-forward,forward + Kick.

During this move he shouts "BURACK OUUT!!" (in engrish) and slides while turning into a shadow.
Holy **** , K' is abusing his teleport move.
by bari June 21, 2005
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Someone who never takes a shower or washes himself with dirty water is called Dirty Simon.
They also love to fart in public places and have smelly balls.

Did you see that guy over there? It's a Dirty Simon.

Dirty Simon's never wash themselves, it's disgusting.
by bari May 18, 2006
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Main character of the King of Fighters fighting game series.
He started in the Japan - Hero Team and then started being a Single Entry in later games.
Kyo can control flames and uses them in his Kusanagi fighting technique.
His rival is Iori Yagami, who uses tainted purple flames.
Their families are rivals since ancient times, but together they sealed Orochi away .
They do this again with Chizuru Kagura in KOF97.
Another friend and rival would be the vain Benimaru Nikaido.
His greatest fan is Shingo Yabuki ,he gave him his gloves.
He also had a girlfriend named Yuki,
but she was sacrificed to Orochi who needed a virgin sacrifice.
" You just ain't got it. Stop whining and get lost!"
by bari February 18, 2005
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The city of Major Mike Haggar
and parts of it are controlled by the Mad Gear Gang.

Final Fight takes place in Metro City.
Metro City is full of thugs and mad guys.

Haggar needs to clean the city every day.
by bari June 24, 2005
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A really pissed off girl .
All girls who are in a bad mood.
Nadja has sand in the vagina.
by bari February 12, 2005
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