11 definitions by arnie123
Niche junk food usually found at supermarkets, convenience stores, and beer drive throughs in economically depressed areas. Sold because of its highly favorable margin and it’s large appeal to the local demographic. While grape soda is the most common example, an expanded product line includes such items as XXtra flaming hot Cheetos, takis, and other life shortening metro staples. Generally bought as the main nutritional offerings for a metro household, with ebt as the traditional form of payment.
John improved his stores sales and margin by 20 percent, and captured 90 percent of the local ebt business simply by realizing that metro food sales were much than just grape soda.
by arnie123 November 26, 2018
A state reached when you're so tired, hungry, and unconcerned about your own (or your families) well being that you decide a bucket of fried chicken is your best option for dinner. Generally followed by deep remorse, self-loathing, and a serious contemplation of suicide.
After working a 12 hour grocery shift, and getting shit on by the dregs of humanity (aka his customer base), John had reached the "Fuck it, get a bucket" stage.
by arnie123 February 12, 2017
A phenomenon that occurs when you purchase something at the McDonald’s drive through, only to realize that 99 percent of your order is wrong on the trip home.
I ordered a cheeseburger, large fries, and a Diet Coke at the McDonald’s drive through . Halfway home I realized they gave me a fish sandwich, a half filled box of fries, and an orange soda. Goddammit, I’ve been Mcfucked again.
by arnie123 March 18, 2018
A phenomenon that occurs when you purchase something at the McDonald’s drive through, only to realize that 99 percent of your order is wrong on the trip home.
I ordered a cheeseburger, large fries, and a Diet Coke at the McDonald’s drive through . Halfway home I realized they gave me a fish sandwich, a half filled box of fries, and an orange soda. Goddammit, I’ve been Mcfucked again.
by arnie123 March 18, 2018
When you have a normal life with a loving husband and two kids, but you decide to exchange it in your early middle age for a traveling circus life of failed business ventures, and monthly domestic violence incidents with the local white trash king who has sired half the illegitimate children in town, including your own new baby daughter.
My wife and I had a pretty good life, until she decided to Break Barnum, and live with the local man whore in a shithole apartment above his rat infested restaurant.
by arnie123 January 5, 2019
a penalty stroke is what happens when you're horny, but you were a dick to your wife, so instead of a wild night of sex you end up having to rub one out in the bathroom instead.
by arnie123 April 5, 2015
A combination of fucked-up and retarded. Used to describe an action, person, etc. that is simultaneously bizarre and stupid.
by arnie123 April 22, 2010