18 definitions by Zippy

Most commonly heard in northern climates; defines the annoying clump of compact snow that collects in wheelwells of automobiles. Removable only with a good kick from a well booted foot. Also, anything that impedes progress in a timely or smooth manner.
I can't finish this essay; I've got snardlumps on the brain.
by Zippy March 8, 2005
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Four stars that roughly form a cross. The stars are generally visible in the Southern Hempisphere.
The Southern Cross includes the closest star to Earth
by Zippy April 22, 2005
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term relating to the activtiy of ambulance crews when moving someone on a trolley / gurenty when one of the crew members straddles the patioient to continue cardiac compressions
i code surfed from the cookie shop al lthe way to the car park
by Zippy April 9, 2004
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WONI can best be described as the two sweetest people in the world. They are meant to be as one. Walker and Toni are WONI. The one and only. #couplegoals
Did you see WONI at the prom? Yeah, like they lit the room up.
by Zippy January 8, 2017
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Something that is so unbelievably stupid, screwed up and defective that it makes your brain hurt when you try to figure out why it is so screwed up, stupid and defective.

Similar words clusterfuck goatfuck.
I used to enjoy playing that Star Wars MMORPG game, but now it has just turned into one big swg.

Can you believe that new publish broke more that it fixed? That's a typical swg!

The CSR said to fix the Jedi visibility I needed to update my video card drivers. What a SWG!

Sure, we fixed the (INSERT KNOWN PROBLEM THAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING FOR 6 MONTHS HERE). You did? Why did it just happen again? Unbelievable what a swg this game has become.
by Zippy January 28, 2005
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So then Gmoney says to me, "Yo homie I scored some of da Chronic while rolling hard in my FedEx truck!"
by Zippy January 31, 2005
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Derived from the abbreviation for "Parental Guidance", PG is used for describing something rude or potentially offensive for which the conversation participants may require adult supervision.
"Oh Fiddlesticks!"
"Whoa, that's a bit PG!"
by Zippy January 5, 2005
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