61 definitions by Zak

1 2 ska-do

1. finger banging 2.finger banging ones mother 3. fingering anything really
Hey Luigi! I gave your mom the 1 2 ska-do last night.
by Zak March 23, 2005
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yellow yell

Span: A type of person who can convince cheese to perform complex algorithms.
This cheddar refuses to do my math homework. Please find me a yellow yell
by Zak September 3, 2003
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1. The action most perform by Jay.
2. Posting at a mad, insane rate.
"That _______ person has been Jaying lately."
"Yeah, he got a lot of posts yesterday."
by Zak July 7, 2004
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A malevolent literary device for cramping the growth of language and making it hard and inelastic. This dictionary, however, is most useful.
by Zak May 3, 2003
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Where you take a string of dental floss and run it between the opening of your cock. Appears like a female penistoe, except to a much smaller scale.
Unbeliever's g-string gives him a might penistoe.
by Zak March 29, 2004
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fade to black

What many people wish would just happen when they do something REALLY stupid, just before the reaction comes.
by Zak September 2, 2003
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The incoherent, strung-together language spoken by The Crown Prince of Darkness, Ozyy Osbourne.
I don't speak Ozzyish, Mr. Osbourne. Can't you speak ENGLISH?
by Zak April 30, 2003
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