78 definitions by You rReal Name

A person, who by his or her marital status should instantly get Covoid-19 from the spouse... but does not. Because the spouse is not permitted to be close enough to pass it.
It was a positive test and bad news for Hope Hicks and President Trump, but at least Melania was uncovoidable!
by You rReal Name October 2, 2020
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An internet E-nabled delivery of an "illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure." Rather than being required to have the mental ability to accept something entirely new, one can login and be fed illumination.

Just be clicking "Mark As Read" you too can instantly attain "an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking." Why waste brain power when an email will do?

E-piphany! When your brain is just too busy to learn something new.
Bob was a few synapses short of a brain and being able of accepting brand new concepts, so when it came to , he signed up for a monthly E-nlightened E-Piphany. When the email arrives he quickly double clicks it to open, and the rush of sudden apathy and intelligence fills his body. The world gets a little bit clearer... More obvious and distinct, Finally, he is at peace once again for another 30 days.
by You rReal Name January 6, 2021
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What you need to make sure you always have your super heroes around.
A die is what is used to form steel into something strong and useful. Superman did not need one to be created, but mere mortals require a man die to replicate their heroes.
It took them many hours of careful grinding and polishing to create a man die capable of cloning their hero, Steve McQueen. But, even in the earliest stages, it was test-stamping out quite a remarkable version of Clint Eastwood, post Dirty Harry, just prior to Gran Torino.
by You rReal Name July 8, 2020
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The end of the world or "Day of Judgement" for dog owners, the day their town allows unlimited numbers of Commercial Dog Walkers to let dozens of client dogs LOOSE in YOUR off leash dog park. Armed with dozens of muzzles, treat bags and dozens of 20 foot training leads, the trainers use Town lands free to run their business. Meanwhile, 12 dogs are doing THEIR business out of sight. YOU pay $4,500 a year in taxes so that every commercial walker can earn $100,000 a year with NO OVERHEADS.
The bible has documented that people shall break all the rules, and Armedoggone will come to you and remove all enjoyment from life by dumping hundreds of out of control dogs in YOUR dog park.
by You rReal Name June 29, 2020
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Explaining the scourge called COVID-19 To future generations will be difficult. How we moved from “That’s all here!” To “Thatsallthere” took time and patients and understanding. Say goodbye to COVID-19.. Thatsallthere now and NOT here anymore.
Thatsallthere is for now a dream, but soon it will be reality... wear masks,
by You rReal Name July 8, 2020
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A personal photo I’d document proving the date and manufacturer of. two COVID-19 vaccinations
In January, Canuck Bob had snuck across the border at Fort Erie so he could go fly gliders in Florida, so when he headed back north in May, he made sure he had his vaxificate in his pocket for the border officials.
by You rReal Name April 30, 2021
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A portion of USA culture that believes: Whether if it came direct from POTUS his own self, or just from his minion, Kellyanne Conway, it may as well have come from the lips of God, as if it was just chiselled into stone by Moses, or as if it just got off the boat built by Noah.
Among the crowd gathered at Lincoln's monument to hear the latest directives were an entire Conwayvian chapter bused in from Florida, resplendent in their colourful robes and tinfoil helmets. One could say they were paying WRAPPED attention to their leader.
by You rReal Name August 16, 2020
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