39 definitions by Yeah

The number of the Beast/Anti Christ...usually used by trendy goth 14 year olds who want to seem evil.
That goth kid wrote 666 on his backpack, what a retard.
by Yeah May 17, 2003
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It's Ku Klux Klan but hey.

an extremely racist group of cowardly people who are homophobic, negrophobic and just plain scared of everyone but white people.
anyone who praises them is an ignorant, arrogant idiot and should take a look at themselves.
ku klux klan is a terrorist organization and its members are one of the biggest threats to national safety.
by Yeah June 27, 2003
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that white boy thinks hes a gangsta but hes only a WANKSTA
by Yeah April 18, 2004
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there's really no exact meaning for the phrase. it can really be used when talking about anything.
Hey man, cut the fuck?

Want to go back to my place and cut the fuck?


This is boring, let's cut the fuck and go to Denny's.
by Yeah January 3, 2004
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Some shitty movie involving teens at a summer drama camp confused about their sexual preference. Not a good representation of homosexuals through their behavior and that fact that the cast is pretty much ass-ugly all the way through.
Camp was, well... campy.
by Yeah September 19, 2004
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