29 definitions by Xexdeh

When your balls are so radiated with red light that anyone can see those shiny testicles through your pants, underwear or penis.
"Yo, you gotta get that checked out. Why are you yourself decorated for Christmas with those red lights?"
"Well, I got laser balls."
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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the abnormal dysfunction of one's lower leg
"r u paranormal"
by Xexdeh March 22, 2020
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the process or action of rapidly squirting clear-to-yellow (regularly) colored liquid substance out of your urethra/penishole like a baby—the toilet in this simile—sucking diarrhea from a straw. The color of your peeline depends on your dehydration and lack of fluid. Also, sometimes, you'll have a messy peeline which sprays into all different directions, each bit of pee-drops being squirted at different parts of the toilet you're urinating in. (Messy peeline)
"Bruh when I went to pee, I literally peed my penis off dude"
"Man, I wish I could've experienced that great feeling"
by Xexdeh February 16, 2020
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white liquid substance that flows out of one's nostril(s)
by Xexdeh March 22, 2020
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Unsatisfying pops of a female's milk source
"We love milk leakage!"
"Oh no! It's all gone!"
"Yeah, it's the deflatable titties."
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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A pointy penis located on everyone’s central elbow, unless you’re disabled, of course.
Yo that wenis is pointier that my middle leg!”
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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"Honey, want some breakfast?"
"Sure, mom! I'll take some lean and cereal."
"Your wish is my command."
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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