29 definitions by Xexdeh

"I will stab you with a chimpanzee!"
by Xexdeh January 12, 2020
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When you clap your foots together, it is a footclap.
“I clap my foots together like I clap your mother’s cheeks!”
“That’s funny because I footclapped your mom with my frying pan
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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1. a college fraternity
2. The past tense form of letting out a juicy fart.
If you frat, chances are, you just smeared brown substance all over your precious underwear.

Here's how to deal with a time you frat:
1. Privately or publicly, strip and check to see if brown has taken over the ability to see the original color of your underwear.
2. If your underwear is poopy, waddle to the bathroom and start attempting to wipe the squished brownie off of your underwear. Using a wet paper towel will increase the chances of the brown color to smear all over your underwear, and if you use a dry paper towel, it'll be a long process to try to get that poop off of your beloved underwear.
3. If there is no paper towels in the bathroom, you have three options—either to rush to a different restroom, use your hands as a poop-scooper, or lick the juicy substance off your underwear.
4. Once you complete the steps, pull up your pants (it's optional if you want to wash your hands or not), run out of the bathroom, and convince the—now—audience that they saw nothing.
5. Run out of the building, and you're done!
6. (Extra) Complain to your Karen wife or male Karen husband about how a million aliens gathered around you like a ritual, slowly and gently pulled down your pants, and started moaning and singing in a foreign-to-this-planet language
"goodbye, i ain't sniffin' this medicine into my poor, innocent nostrils"
by Xexdeh February 16, 2020
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When your a tail sticks out of your naked booty hole and lights up the Earth so much it attracts all the girls with a love potion right towards your "sexy" body
"Yo that man-tail's lookin' fine, homie!"
"Yup, it is, and I need to do even more work on it."
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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colonic exposure by an opening in the buttocks.
by Xexdeh May 10, 2020
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A fun thing to do in your free time!

(i'm not gay tho!1!111!)
"Yo me and my bros ate a black hole yesterday!"
"Yo that's sick bro!"
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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Did you know that 96 backwards is 69?! LOL IT VERY FUNY but pls no tell mommy she spank and beat me verii hARRD OOOW OOWW OWW

i was jk 96 backwards is actually xis-ytenin LLOLOL get trolled LOOL
"Did you know that 96 backwards is xis-ytenin?"
"No i thought it was 69 loool"
"No bro!!! you has BADDD mind"
"wait wat it is??!/1?/??"
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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