21 definitions by Wisk

1) Australian Delicacy surrounding the rim of Sidney.
2) Dinglerries -(See dingleberry, dinglestone) in Australia.
1) We were backpacking and staying at the youth hostels while we were in Australia last year. Some of the locals pointed out some small brown pellets on the ground and called them dingoberries. They told us they were rich in proteins and could sustain a Dingo for months without another type of food. They didn't taste very good, but we ate them every chance we got. It allowed us to spend another month on the funds we came with.
2) We were on our flight back to LA when a Sydney native told us we had been eating rabbit shit for a month.
by Wisk January 30, 2008
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1) The disease a person may contract while having sex on an airplane. It comes from exposing your genitals around the high density of methane.
2) The direction the toilet swirls down the drain in Australia.
1) Marlyn joined the mile-high club on the trip to Phoenix, but three weeks later she discovered Miley Cyrus on her labia majora. It required laser surgery to remove the cyst.
2) Joey was so interested in the Miley Cyrus when he was done with his dump that he inadvertently produced some Dingoberries. Fortunately the tour guide was experienced with his outback.
"Whoa, hold on there, mate, don't yank up yer Draks just yet. I haven't had me Brekkie yet, and it looks like the Dingo's been circling your Freckle.
by Wisk January 30, 2008
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The ability to concentrate that is regained upon moving one's bowels.
Jim got home from work to Cindy's litany of how badly the kids were behaving, but fortunately for them, they were in luck. Jim could not concentrate on a single word with the turtle head poking out. Once he was done dumping he achieved a level of unmatched fecal lucidity.
"So," sighed Jim deeply, walking out of the bathroom, "Anything interesting happen today?"
by Wisk January 31, 2008
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Cheese produced from swabbing the folds in Rush Limbaugh's skin. Top Fortune 500 performer in last quarter.
We managed to get some vintage Limbaugher from a floor trader who had some connections. We talked about interest rates, capital gains, stock portfolios with a bottle of Cognac and this remarkable cheese. We wondered how they could produce such a gastronomical delight.
by Wisk February 5, 2008
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1)A word that was produced after Karl Rove ejaculated on a focus group.
2)Code word from Newscaster. When spoken it is a signal that means "This newscast has no ability to offer you anything but already chewed vomit. Please find another news source if you want to find out what's going on. You are looking at an image that bears no resemblance to any shred of honesty of moral conscience. Look away, look away!"
3)A juicy sounding word that distracts from more boring words like "Effective self-governance," "Competent War and Crisis Management," "Stemming of obsene corruption by friends of the administration," "incompetence," "Hey! We have no idea what were doing, and still our bank accounts are growing! Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah! Look over here! Can't see us through the smoke screen of great words like 'surge' 'war on terror' 'mushroom cloud' 'georgie's Mushroom cap'."
1)"Whoa!" cried the group as they were covered with Rovejuice. "That was some surge!" panted KR as he swabbed his member with a damp cloth. "How does that grab ya?"
The dials all rotated to quickly to the right, so that they might escape this madman.
2)Tim Russert asked the panel on "Meet the Press" how the surge was going. This was his cue for us Russert fans to turn to Emeril on the "Food Channel," a show where Russert was co-producer.
3)The bandits had Jimmy and I at gunpoint, but Jimmy thought quick. "Surge!" he yelled, pointing at the door. The gunmen looked over, and we knocked the guns from their hands. By the time the police arrived, it was all over but the shouting.
by Wisk February 5, 2008
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1) Former NY governor Elliot Spitzer, who was given this designation by a call girl ring to protect his identity.
2)What one pitcher calls the opposing pitcher in the National League when he homers off of him. Cause he's his bitch.
3)A John who can manage to move his bowels 4 1/2 times during a single session with a prostitute.
1) Madam- Take client number nine tonight, and wear make him wear a rubber helmet.
Hillary (not her real name)- Good thing you're not running the witness protection program.
Madam- Shut your pie hole, and get on your back!
2) In 2001, Mike Hampton was client #9 to seven hurlers, but he was playing in Colorado, where I think prostitution is legal.
3) Madam- Take client number nine tonight, and bring some baby-wipes.
Hillary- **GROAN***
by Wisk March 13, 2008
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To live according to the words of Prophet and Beatle Paul McCartney. Quickest way to get medicated. (other options, Ringoism, Lennonism)
Woke up, got out of bed. Dragged a comb across my head. Side by side on my Piano, Oh lord. You know you was a suffragete, Jet Boooooooooo....The movement I need is on my shoulder, Jude. Wearing the face that I keeps in a jar by the door, no of course it isn't my face. How would I do that? Live and let die!-Cohesive Word Salad of McCarthyism
by Wisk February 5, 2008
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