10 definitions by Wiggity Wack

A number Symbolizing Power. Used many times in mythology and found many times in the bible as power.
and he shall return on the 3rd day.
by Wiggity Wack March 12, 2004
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The driving force of someone/thing. A Motivation. Could also be an abreviation of pill pusher.
She is my pusher, without her i wouldnt be alive.
by Wiggity Wack January 15, 2004
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A Brand of Nike Shoes that have brite colors that reminice of the eightys. Often reffered to as UpTemps
ive been strollin in my new uptemps.
by Wiggity Wack January 11, 2004
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a genre/style of music that seems like a hip hop instrumental (high bass, has a beat) it is considered a type of electronic style music. It also often takes quotes from older songs/ movies and puts them into the song to add some type of strange effect. Many also have some element of rap in them.
by Wiggity Wack January 11, 2004
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St. Matthew's real name before he was called to join christ.

see Matthew 9:9
Jesus went to a tax collector named Levi and asked him to follow him. Levi changed his name to Matthew and Left everything behind
by Wiggity Wack April 3, 2004
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rapper for the notorious ROCaFella records. BTW check out another rapper that goes by the name Fpos.
by Wiggity Wack April 3, 2004
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