152 definitions by Vanguard 1998

Aka. P.C.S.P.; When an individual is only sexually attracted to people who does want and or has children
Kendra is only interested in sleeping with people who have kids. She has a pro-child sexual preference.
by Vanguard 1998 April 11, 2021
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Abbreviation CD; A person you hire to investigate a person or organization who is suspected of committing illegal and or unethical acts, or to review a case police were unable to solve that you would like them to solve; or in other words a private investigator or PI
The consulting detective investigated Marcia’s boyfriend and discovered that he was cheating on her with another woman.
by Vanguard 1998 August 25, 2021
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When an individual is fully aware of what is happening in the government and society, what various individuals, organizations, businesses, social movements, and political parties’ agendas, beliefs, and actions are on numerous policy issues, as well as understanding how these beliefs and activities can affect them, their family, community, and certain minority groups in society and mobilizing socially, financially, and politically when needed in effort correct actions that are unreasonably discriminatory towards certain groups in the name of social justice. These actions include doing things such as attending protests and marches, signing petitions, calling out people, organizations, and businesses for performing biased actions, etc. It is important to note that people who are politically woke tend to be liberals and generally speaking will only mobilize on issues that are considered to be part of the social justice.
Lexy is aware of what is happening in the government, including what certain political leaders are up to. She has mobilized on many occasions to try to correct social and political wrongs committed by the government, certain celebrities, and organizations. For the most part, she only mobilizes on issues related to gender equality, LGBTQ rights, and racial equality. She considers herself to be politically woke. (The Giphy chosen for this word shows a movement that uses this idea a lot: the Black Lives Matter movement)
by Vanguard 1998 November 12, 2021
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1: when someone is following you for some reason
2: When a pet dog, cat, or any type of lizard repeatedly hits someone in the face with their tail
I'm being tailed by my dog right now, which is making it difficult to see.
by Vanguard 1998 March 18, 2021
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Aka. G.C.P.I. or just generational consistency, When the political beliefs of an individual match their parents, guardians, and or grandparent’s political beliefs. The more generations from the same family who have the same beliefs, the stronger the generational consistency is. If the trend goes on for too long it can become source of privilege for the younger generations may not even take the time to do research in order to formulate their own views on issues and vote responsibly.
Erin: So, who are you voting for tomorrow?

John: I’ll probably vote for whoever the democrat is. I almost always vote democrat; just like my father and my grandparents on my father’s side. I have a generationally consistent political identity.
Erin: You don’t pay attention to who is running in elections and what their stances are do you?
John: No. Not really.
by Vanguard 1998 March 17, 2021
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Or S.A.; When a major, unexpected, unfortunate event happens, which was caused by hatred and or corruption, it usually prompts the government and various populations in society to quickly mobilize to address the issue that caused the event occur, even if relatively little is known about the problem. The result of this mobilization is an avalanche of social, economic, and or political changes and reform efforts meant to prevent the issue from reoccurring and or to make it less severe when it does occur. The event produces many consequences, some are noticed immediately, while are others don’t get quite so much attention until a later point in time.
An example of a societal avalanche is the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. When the oil spill happened, governmental agencies from numerous countries found in and around the Gulf of Mexico rushed to try to clean up the oil spill. People volunteered with various environmental organizations to save as many of trapped fish, birds, and turtles as they could. Many members of the public, environmental groups, and local fishing companies pushed politicians to pass stricter regulations for companies drilling for oil offshore, pass policies to get the U.S. to get more of its energy supply from more renewable sources that are safer to employ, and pass laws to provide financial relief to the local fishing companies that were negatively impacted by the accident. An investigation from BP and the U.S. government later revealed that lack of regard for safety policies and the rushed, cheap construction of the rig were responsible for the accident.
by Vanguard 1998 April 5, 2021
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A situation where an individual has big crush on someone, but they realize that they can never actually date them for numerous reasons. Some people get over it, but others never actually recover from it because of how much they cared about that person. Some reasons are the person being out of their league, the other individual already being in a romantic relationship, the individual is aromantic, that individual is not romantically attracted to them, etc.
Chester: Hey, Lexy. How are you doing? We have not heard from you in months.

Lexy: I am doing okay; although I am kind of sad about Devin.

Mariah: What happened?
Lexy: I had a crush on him, but I realize could never actually date him because he would probably reject me due him being way out of my league and I heard a rumor that he is seeing someone else. It’s a love story that never happened.

Chester: I can see why that upsetting, but maybe if you wait things might change. They might breakup down the line and if you took chance and asked him out maybe then you might be able to date him.

Lexy: Thanks for the advice. I might try that.
by Vanguard 1998 July 2, 2021
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