19 definitions by Valinda

A bald-headed man, who is usually black or latino. Refers to the brand of a popular bowling ball.
by Valinda November 2, 2006
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A hard wooden shoe that a woman can use to keep her man in check if he gets out of line. It is particularly effective on a bald-headed man. Preferably use the heel end of the shoe.
Hector kept getting on my nerves so I wacked him on the back of his chrome dome with my hard ass clogs.
by Valinda November 2, 2006
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a derogatory term to describe an intimidating black man who has invaded one's comfort zone.
You may not want to ride the elevator alone because i just saw a spook get on earlier.
by Valinda November 2, 2006
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common knickname for a bald-headed man. it is usually reserved as a greeting or term of endearment for a close acquaintance.
Hey baldy! What have u been up 2.
by Valinda November 2, 2006
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A black man who desperately needs a haircut because his hair is bad or rough.
Somebody needs to take the clippers to that nappyhead over there!
by Valinda November 2, 2006
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A type of look on a bald-headed man whose scalp is no longer completely clean but still doesn't actually have hair that can be seen to the casual observer.
Vin Diesel is usually not completely bald but frequently wears a shadow.
by Valinda November 2, 2006
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