88 definitions by TreeWeezel

Shortened minivan. Looks like a grotesquely inflated hatchback. Comfortable to sit in but crap to drive, less useful than a minivan, and even less cool.
Dude: Look at that Lexus. What a chode-mobile!
Man: On point, Dude. It is fat, short and bulbous.
Driver: You like the crossover, man?
by TreeWeezel April 7, 2011
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Raw potatoes, or even better, other root vegetables sliced thin and crunchy.

Regular chips may technically be vegetarian, but this kind of chip is also vegetarian in spirit.
Dude: How's the party?
Bag: I'm doing okay, I brought my wheatgrass juice...do you have any snacks that are MORE vegetarian?
Dude: <picks up raw, unscrubbed potato with sprouted eyes and slices onto plate> Here, have some vegetarian chips.
Bag: Oh thank you!
by TreeWeezel April 9, 2011
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A fiercely competitive UD editing contest. Each contestant has 20 minutes to make as many removals as possible. Common strategies are typing in first names and submitting with blank explanation lines. This can be more fun than an Urban Contest because of the race format and because removals are processed so quickly.
I won the urban battle: 20 removals in 20 minutes.
by TreeWeezel April 15, 2011
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What skinny, tarted-up latina girls call each other when they squabble.
"Hola, Chinga."
"Who you callin Chinga, chinga?"
"Estas la chinga, chinga."
"Oh this is on, gordita!"

Arm flapping/slapping/hilarity ensues.
by TreeWeezel November 19, 2010
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Childhood game of fashioning the largest clunkiest legos into crude spacecraft. To play the game, two children slam their "zords" into each other and whoever's breaks first loses.
Lets play Zords!
<15 minutes later, crude spacecraft are constructed from huge lego bricks>
Ow my fingers!!!
by TreeWeezel April 19, 2011
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Invented by Trugoy the Dove of De La Soul. Curly hair is fashioned into 6-12 big lumps. It should be skewed to one side, or at least assymetric.
Look at the album cover of "3 Feet High and Rising". Trugoy the Dove and Pasemaster Mase have excellent de la haircuts.
by TreeWeezel April 27, 2011
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Cereal that is unsweetened and not artificially colored.

Granola of course, Grape Nuts, Shredded Wheat, bran flakes, raisin bran, anything Kashi
Mom, don't we have anything besides lesbian cereal?
by TreeWeezel November 2, 2011
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