54 definitions by Tingle Likes Rupees

the people that call themsleves punk bur really aren't and date heroin addicted cokehead girls with unnaturally dyed hair who go to art school and act like 10 year olds and go to venues and eat salads and probably have narcissistic borderline Aspergers.
that hipster wears a keffiyeh and big glasses.
by Tingle Likes Rupees January 17, 2020
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when you take a ballpoint pen and a sewing needle and repeatedly stab yourself with it to draw shitty pictures bc you're under 18 or a crustie.
I'm covered in homemade stickies from my train kid phase.
by Tingle Likes Rupees November 21, 2019
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Sound effect for when you get poked/pushed gently by someone and you make a "gyuhhhh" sound, or when you see something nice to look at.
by Tingle Likes Rupees February 15, 2017
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A Japanese female wrestler who is popular for her signature pastel pink hair and how thicc she is.
Hana Kimura is adorbs.
by Tingle Likes Rupees October 26, 2019
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A human in particular, that when Professor God made him/her in his lab, he made the mistake of knocking over a vial of Chemical Asshole, making them into a giant future backstabber and unproductive shit stain member to society. Thus creating the Fuckity Fuckboys.
Nobody likes Johnny because Johnny is is a fuck and he screws over everyone for his own gain.
by Tingle Likes Rupees February 18, 2017
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A group of usually young men who obsess over, and pester different girls online (sometimes in person) acting like they are hot shit (but will also put down themselves just for your sympathy) and will block you on social media if they don't get what they want. It is so contradicting it is hilarious.

Also see fake.
Everyone in the Fuckboy Squad asked me out at least once and then when I said no they blocked me so whatever.
by Tingle Likes Rupees February 17, 2017
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