22 definitions by Tia
man (yes, it's amazing that God was a man) who made us, right, and somehow (don't ask me how) made us individuals who can choose what we do, even though He knew it would cost Him - and then figured that since we'd blown it by not listening to Him, and since He knows how empty we are and couldn't imagine eternity without us, died the most painful death so we could be innocent like Him, instead of living lives that suck and ending up in hell (worse than hell on earth). This guy now helps us out if we let Him, and He's the answer to ALL the problems on the earth - you'd think we could give Him a little credit! (ie. admit He's real - but the last big bang my microwave had didn't create a mini universe, so I can deal with that - and let Him give us the answer, start living for something ...)
Jesus is ultra-awesome, and He gives life a purpose!!! And believe it or not, He deserves to have us follow Him (have any of your friends created you & died for you lately, when you hated them, and come back to life ...?).
by Tia April 4, 2005
by Tia January 5, 2004
by Tia December 11, 2004
Adj. The state of looking/acting like Farkan, whether or not one is indeed a Farkan. This ususally includes acting like a jerk or being ovrely generous with unwanted touches. Usually refers to males.
by Tia April 2, 2004
Oh my goodness, this is freaky. Is there not one person who has been on this site that knows what they're talking about? God's real ... I was just talking to Him a minute ago, and it scares me that people not only don't know Him, but they can post rubbish about mythology and psychological problems ... God is God, gracious, loving, creator of the universe, miracle worker, my best friend. Please, please, please don't fall for anything less! On all of eternity and the blessing of freedom from stuff that goes on without Him, I beg you - check Him out, seriously.
by Tia April 4, 2005
by Tia January 15, 2005