13 definitions by This Guy

Basically what we all are but tend to try to cover it up through high school for some damn reason. Also an affectionate term.
I am an unquestionable dork. But I kick ass.
by This Guy November 17, 2003
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Like gnarly, only more so.
Dude, the waves look so burlap.
by This Guy February 26, 2005
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The menstral blood from a murse.

"The good news is, she ain't pregnant."
"You crazy bitch, you left miquid all over my sheets!"
by This Guy July 6, 2004
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The stereotypes of the Internet. They are generally recognized by their horrible grammar and spelling, annoying and disruptive behavior, and huge egos. They can also be recognized by typing in alternating caps(as seen in my example)for entire conversations for no apparent reason. Though they may not even use AOL, this is what the rest of society labels them as.
"hEy gUrL iM A sk8Er bOi aNd iM sTuPiD as hELL cAuSe i cAnt eVeN wRiTe cOrrEcTlY mUcH lEss rEaD mY gRaMMer suks BTW aNd i dUnno wHat pUncUaTioN is OMG LOLOLOLOLZ~~~!!!1 hEy do u hAve tHe neWeSt cd oF tHe bAnd wE luv sO mUcH OMG LOLOLOLOL~~~!!!1 ur cool lolz hEy i g2g ttyl cya byez OMG LOLOLOL~~~!!!1"
by This Guy September 18, 2004
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(1) A reference to a person who chronically masturbates. (Also reffered to as "shining the berg")
(2) A term describing a maneuver where one inserts a thumb up their own anus.
(3) A Jew with hairy palms.

see "not straight"
Person 1: "Did you just catch a glimpse of that sheinberg over there?!"
Person 2: "What a stupid jew!"
by This Guy November 18, 2003
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a play on words meaning asymmetrical or no symmetry

related to antisymmetric
that pictograph is antisymmetrical
by This Guy February 11, 2004
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