17 definitions by The Raging Bull

Adj. Having the qualities of a tormentor or bully; A popular surname suffix in the Republic of Georgia, whose denizens are infamous for the strong-arm tactics they purportedly employ in order to reach the top of the food chain (e.g. Joseph Stalin, née Ioseb Jughashvili).
Friend: You’re nephew just threw a kid almost twice his size to the ground!
Me: Yup, that little tyke is a bona fide shvili.
by The Raging Bull April 29, 2005
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adj. When an action or statement elicits consternation in the form of that quintessential Jewish diphthong "oy!"
"Dina's OTD anecdotes are always very diphthong-worthy. As her friends, we feel the most effective way to shore up her tenuous o-girl status is through enrollment at an accredited seminary."
by The Raging Bull April 8, 2005
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n. Short for "web abbreviation." These internet acronyms either contribute to our rich online culture or expedite the demise of intellectual civilization (depending on who you ask). Some popular webbreviations include lol, brb, ttyl, btw & idk.
Steve: How would I look in a cape?
Randy: idk
Steve: Whatever. I'll never be able to pull it off as well as Dina anyway.
Randy: lol
Steve: Randy, stop that!
Randy: Stop what?
Steve: You've gotta be the only loser who uses webbreviations when chatting in person.
by The Raging Bull August 1, 2005
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adj. Drop-dead gorgeous (harif is a sharp spice that Israelis enjoy eating with their falafels & hummus). Note: should be pronounced with a guttural-sounding "H" for dramatic effect.
Hey motek, has anybody ever told you that you are hot like harif?
by The Raging Bull August 4, 2005
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n. "Yeshiva boy." These are the only guys who have a chance with O-girls, to the dismay of many.
"If only I could be a Y-boy for just one day. That would be the sweetest thing of all..."
by The Raging Bull February 21, 2005
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n. Yet another name for Mary Jane.
Steve: I'm tired of all these pathetic slang terms for marijuana.
Randy: Okay, then let's make our own!
Steve: Dude, that's brilliant! Any ideas?
Randy: Hmmm... How 'bout Magical Mr. Mistoffelees?
Steve: You see, that's why you're the smart one!
by The Raging Bull May 24, 2005
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n. A child with tremendous OTD potential.
"If you don't do something about that kid @ risk, she could turn out like that girl, G-d forbid."
by The Raging Bull April 5, 2005
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