35 definitions by The Professor
Synonymous with Chav or Pikey,but usually slightly older.
Dobbers usually wander around in pairs wearing sports casual clothing,the males usually carry a stick (in case the DSS see them) & the females usually wear black leggings & teddy bear t shirts.They are usually excessively overweight & commonly call their offspring Chantelle or Aaron.
Dobbers usually wander around in pairs wearing sports casual clothing,the males usually carry a stick (in case the DSS see them) & the females usually wear black leggings & teddy bear t shirts.They are usually excessively overweight & commonly call their offspring Chantelle or Aaron.
by The Professor June 3, 2004
by The Professor November 8, 2003
The acceptable age range for one's dating prospects. This can be a stated range (i.e. "I tend to date women in their late-twenties, but my price range is 26-34."), or, it can be based on one's dating choices/behavior (i.e. "Damn dude, I didn't think 21 year olds were still in your price range.")
by The Professor June 19, 2004
Nigel couldn't find the lyrics for his favorite song, so he called upon the local Booleanographer. Needless to say, the result was good.
by The Professor February 10, 2005
the noun form of babelicious. A high concentration of this in a woman will cause in observant males a swelling of the nether region.
Why look, Chauncey, that young lady appears to have a significant babosity quotient.
You're so right, Basil.
You're so right, Basil.
by The Professor October 14, 2004
by The Professor June 28, 2004
by The Professor June 29, 2004