6 definitions by Surazal

The complete incorrect spelling of masturbate Since it's a misspelling it means "Being a master of bate" Or perhaps "Master of bait".
Yo yo! This is so phat!!!111!eleven!1 Ahm all foo illiterate and I went all MASTERBAAATE today!!111!11! You go wafsha!!!11!one!
by Surazal February 1, 2004
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Lazarus was someone the christians decided to STUFF into people's minds that was "raised from the dead".
by Surazal February 1, 2004
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Canadian way of saying "about", eh? Sometimes also aboot, but abote is spelled funnier.
It's all abote the hockey here in Canadia, eh?
by Surazal February 1, 2004
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The act of skinning someone alive. It gets painful.
Ooo remember that one movie? Where that guy was impaled and and he and he was all hooks pulling his FLESH from his muscles? That one with the excoriation? Sexy.
by Surazal October 18, 2004
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Adj(combined with an adverb!):

Obese to the extreme. Weighs over 100 pounds the weight they should be for their height and age.
"Look mommy, that lady is morbidly obese! Waa!"
by Surazal February 1, 2004
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