190 definitions by Steven

I was woo wowed when my boss gave me a $430,000 Ferrari Enzo
by Steven January 29, 2005
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1.) To give someone a hard time.
2.) To annoy someone
1.) I've got fools on the chase and they're giving me baseline!
2.) These people are always giving me the baseline.
by Steven January 14, 2005
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A german band formed by former Helloween Vocalist/Guitarist "Kai Hansen". A Power Metal band whose lyrics are based on anything from Space , Heavy Metal and The Illuminati
by Steven December 4, 2004
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What you are doing if you are sitting in a parking lot, usually at a 7-11 waiting for a girl that you havent seen forever to pass by.
We were loitering at 7-11 for no good reason
by Steven April 15, 2005
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any person who moves in on someone else's significant other AFTER they've been schooled in the finer art of sexual experimentation by yourself
That claim jumping bastard Kyle! I taught Jenny everything I knew about wild sexual shit, then he makes a move on her.
by Steven October 26, 2004
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A band of extremely talented rock and roll musicians. Probably the best band in music history.
I just got this kick ass acdc dvd.
by Steven December 31, 2004
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Always wears black, never ever wears shorts. (no matter how hot is out).
It's so f*ckin hot out and that ginker is wearing black pants!!
by Steven April 30, 2004
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