14 definitions by Shizuma

A department of company put in charge of exploiting staff to the highest return-to-wage ratio.

This goal is usually carried out without actually expanding the employee's capabilities, but by either raising workload or lowering wages instead.
The Inhuman Resource department directed the serf to the production line, where she would spend 10 hours a day inserting microchips into the circuit boards.
by Shizuma January 9, 2008
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"this is not a drill message" -- implying the following messages are not simulation or exercise related message but of vital and usually life/death importance
"Charlie one five, Zulu four zero, no duff message, Zimmerman is down, Zimmerman is down"

"Zulu four zero, charlie one five, medic on the way"
by Shizuma April 16, 2008
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Rioters News is a main provider of bad news to the world, along with Gloomberg and also APE News.

Unlike the other news channels, Rioters news provides news only in print/form. Not very useful if you are by5Lexi)
Richard was totally bummed when Rioters news told him the whole neighbourhood of his vacation home in Florida had been ripped apart by a hurricane.
by Shizuma April 7, 2008
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A southeast-Asian / southern China (if you can tell the difference) dish of pan-fried noodles with eggs, the nominal amount of vegetables and copious amouts of meat (usually chicken, pork or beef, or dog/cat sometimes if bought in southern China)

It tastes pretty good, which gives rise to the "fun" part of "Hor Fun" (say 'ho fun ).
"My gawd what a DISH this is, absolutely the best hor fun I ever had" Bill exclaimed.
Occassionally lonesome sailors on shore leave after long voyages will prowl the streets looking for hor fun, too.
by Shizuma April 3, 2008
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The bureaucrats (usually men) in the Government who make you go "GAH" every time you have a reasonable request denied because of red tape.

Derived from "government"
The Gahmen refused to allow us to carry out urgent repairs on our building until two weeks later because of the mandatory 2 weeks waiting period.
by Shizuma January 31, 2008
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Government of Singapore, Incorporated. A shadowy organization of men and women of all races, in non-descript, government-mandated black or grey suits.

Their net worth is unknown, modus operandi mysterious. GIC has recently pumped close to US$9billion into tanking Swiss bank Credit Suisse, in exchange for convertible notes.

GIC has started being more 'transparent' of late, showing the public some facets of itself.
"Oh ho! Your bank is failing, mate?" The Australian bank CEO was surprised at the shadow the man in grey suit and sunglasses cast over his supine body on the beach.

Despite the unseasonably hot weather, the man was barely perspiring.

"THE GIC is going to make you an offer you can't refuse..." the man said.
by Shizuma April 7, 2008
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A dedicated news channel to giving people bad news.

It is available in various media, including the Internet, video and television.
Andy sighed as the Gloomberg news anchor read out Friday's employment statistics. More people were unemployed than ever in the last ten years!
by Shizuma April 7, 2008
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