17 definitions by Setsuna

The brand name "Canon" is another spelling of this goddess' name.
by Setsuna September 15, 2004
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A line of classy 22"-tall ball-jointed resin "doll figures" made by Volks in Japan. Come in versions made either to resemble ten-year-olds or thirteen-year-olds.

"SD" for short.
Some SDs can be prohibitively expensive.

If you're addicted to SDs, stay off Yahoo! Japan.
by Setsuna September 15, 2004
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"After two years as an i-banker, I'll just buy my own island and retire."

Many kids in undergraduate business programs are disillusioned by the thought of doing the i-banking routine when they graduate.
by Setsuna September 15, 2004
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A very thin, crisp pancake made of finely ground lentils. Think crispy, lightweight, savory crepe.

Often served with chutney, spiced vegetables, and a type of tomato-and-tamarind-based soup.
Dosas are vegetarian.

Let's go to that dosa place for lunch!

When a dosa has a savory filling, it's called a masala dosa.
by Setsuna September 15, 2004
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1. Short for Volkswagen, a car company best known for making the Beetle.
2. A small company in Japan specializing in a variety of customizable and character dolls, figures, and sculptures.
Volks recently opened an English site for customers living abroad.
by Setsuna September 15, 2004
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Fascinating new field that uses advances in neuroscience and psychology to better understand economic decisionmaking, with the intent of improving contemporary economic models.
Neuroeconomics is the most fascinating incarnations of behavioral economics.

Trying to major in neuroeconomics is hard, because it hasn't been formally done before.
by Setsuna September 15, 2004
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A better name for Ms. Hilton's newest book? ^^'
Say "heirhead" once out loud. Got it? Good.
by Setsuna September 15, 2004
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