19 definitions by Samwell

the height of topness, it mean its really really top
that gig was topage u know
by Samwell March 30, 2005
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A basic play with the word shithead, a shitheap is a complete arsehole, a person who lacks in social ability and basically is a shithead.

See also: shithead
You fucking shitheap!
by Samwell March 26, 2005
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1) I don't know who he thinks he is, looking down on us like that the fucking ponner.
by Samwell June 2, 2005
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Free Jazz is an avant-garde sub-genre of jazz. This is jazz but with no strict structure or rules. The music is very improvised and is characterised by very random drumming, very improvisational.
Bob: That drummer's crap, he's hardly got rythm to be fair.

Dave: No, dude, this is free jazz, anything goes.
by Samwell September 13, 2005
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Chavwegian is either:

1)The language that chavs speak


2)A chav in general
1) He's turning into a chav. He evens speaks chavwegian.

2) Fuck off you little chavwegian!
by Samwell April 12, 2005
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A goth is an artistic person with a huge aesthetic who expresses this in a dark way. Real gothic music is The Cure, Nine Inch Nails, Sisters Of Mercy etc. Goths are ususally associated with Satanism, which is completely untrue because you will find goths tend to have no religious beliefs or no strong religious beliefs, though a very very very small minority are Satanists. Goth is also usually a term used as an attempted insult by chavs and the like, mainly because chavs have nothing better to do besides insult people different to them and terrorise communities.
1) From a chav-Yowm a fucking goth, yow worship the devil ya freak, dya wanna fight?

2) From a goth to a chav-Tit
by Samwell April 22, 2005
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basically it is the height of the grimnicity.
This sausage roll is grime factor 5
by Samwell March 30, 2005
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