449 definitions by SARAh

To have sex with someone, usually someone you're cheating with
"He been creeping with other women all over town, why you defending him?"
by SARAh May 22, 2003
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The act of being so sassy that a non silent p is added to the word.
Tim-I like windows
Sarah- I hope you jump out of one ( psassy remark)
Tim- wo back up miss psass.
by SARAh January 22, 2004
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A "new" pop-punk-emo that nonetheless seems to rehash sentiments, lyrics, and cliches from a million other older, better emo/indie bands.

Deep if you've got an IQ of 50 or less or are a 13 year old girl.

Original if all you listen to is Good Charlotte.

Horrible if you have ears.
<Until the Day I Die> (beginning)

As years go by
I race the clock with you
But if you die right now
You know that I'd die to
I'd die too

You remind me of the times
When I knew who I was
But still the second hand will catch us
Like it always does

We'll make the same mistakes
I'll take the fall for you
I hope you need this now
Cause I know I still do

Until the day I die
I'll spill my heart for you

<Watermark> (middle)

I've got this store-bought way of saying I'm okay, and you've learned how to cry in total silence. We're talented and bright. We're lonely and uptight. We've found some lovely ways to disappoint, but the airport's always almost empty this time of the year, so let's go play on a baggage carousel. Set our watches forward like we're just arriving here from a past we left in a place we knew too well. (Hold on to the corners of today, and we'll fold it up to save until it's needed. Stand still. Let me scrub that brackish line that you got when soemthing rose and then receeded.)

One of these is full of cliches and platitudes and sounds like it was written by a twelve-year old. The other has fairly original lyrics. *hint* the first one is SOTY the second one is the Weakerthans
by SARAh March 29, 2005
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Pretty lead singer of goth-inspired rock band Evanescence. Has amazing song-writing talent, great style and a gorgeous set of pipes. Is NOT, as some think, a goth, but not a poser either.
by SARAh February 21, 2005
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noun:a group of musicians who write their own music and are often refered to as the best damn band on the planet.
kick ass group of people
greatest album since "nirvana unplugged"
sound simalar to nirvana
person 1:"smile empty soul kicks so much ass"
person 2:"who?"
person 1:"im going to kick your ass for being so fucking gay"
by SARAh July 31, 2004
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a word that casey wants everyone to say. just say it with everything.
shut the farn up!
by SARAh October 26, 2003
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