56 definitions by RockManZero3

Kuzuki from Fate/stay night is a speedrunner who knows how to do the cruise boost from Battle for Bikini Bottom and is a top level runner of the game.
Caster: Welcome to Souichirou Kuzuki Gaming and today my master will be doing an Any% run of BFBB!
Kuzuki: Semen.
by RockManZero3 March 17, 2020
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When a Chinese individual goes to McDonald's hoping to order egg on wok, but finds that they only serve American fast food. They then usually proceed to spout obscenities in their native tongue and accidentally drive their car into the building.
McD employee: Hello, what can I get for you today?
Chink: I wourd rike egg on wok prease and thank yous.

McD: Bruh we don't sell that shit. Order a fish filet or something.
Chink: 他妈的你美国人去吃我的腹泻!!!!
McD: This isn't McChinkles, sir.
by RockManZero3 March 16, 2020
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Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken

A technique developed by Goku combining the calm, still ki control of Super Saiyan Blue and the multipliers of Kaioken.
SSBKK first appeared in Dragon Ball Super episode 39.
by RockManZero3 March 16, 2020
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The most popular girl from the Quintessential Quintuplets. She is shy and reserved, but loved for being hot and her blue headphones.
Miku Nakano is the middle child of the Quints.
by RockManZero3 March 15, 2020
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Idiots who love Saber from Fate even though she's the most boring trashy blonde in anime.
I hate Saberfags. Athur from Fate Prototype is cooler.
by RockManZero3 March 17, 2020
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A fat, lazy Canadian food "reviewer" on youtube who makes cringe and is obsessed with scratch and sniffs.

He reviews basic fast food items that every fucking human being on the planet has had hundreds of times over as if anyone cares.
Joey: Hey did you watch Ken Domik yesterday?
Mark: Yeah, his McGangBang review was cringe as fuck and shit.
by RockManZero3 January 21, 2020
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The youngest sister in the Quintessential Quintuplets. She is known for having an obsession with eating, and being conscious of her weight. She is often meme'd eating burgers.
Jason: Itsuki Nakano is pretty cute, I wonder if all that food makes her butt bigger.
Haruba Negi: I'm sure you wonder.
by RockManZero3 March 15, 2020
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