28 definitions by Roc18
"Watch out cyber world - here come The LeBrons! LeBron James presents his all new animated series "The LeBrons," coming to a computer near you. Click the subscribe button and be the first to know about all the action..."
Me: Really Lebron? and you wonder why everyone hates you.
Me: Really Lebron? and you wonder why everyone hates you.
by Roc18 January 20, 2011
Proposition 19 allows me to smoke whenever where I want. If you voted no to Proposition 19 you're a bitch ass nigga.
by Roc18 November 2, 2010
by Roc18 January 15, 2010
by Roc18 July 30, 2010
*10 mins later*
Theresa: Sorry I overreacted it's a Jersey Thing
*10 mins later*
Theresa: Sorry I overreacted it's a Jersey Thing
by Roc18 October 14, 2010
aka the Vuvuzela. The annoying plastic trumpets that South African niggers blow for 90 minutes during soccer Matches. Sounds like an elephant dying, hopefully will be banned for the 2010 World Cup.
*Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*
Person 1: What is that annoying sound i keep hearing? I'm trying to watch this damn soccer game.
Person 2: Its just the nigger trumpets, try to ignore it.
30 mins later:
Person 1: Fuck it i'm leaving.
Person 1: What is that annoying sound i keep hearing? I'm trying to watch this damn soccer game.
Person 2: Its just the nigger trumpets, try to ignore it.
30 mins later:
Person 1: Fuck it i'm leaving.
by Roc18 April 27, 2010
by Roc18 April 22, 2010