89 definitions by Queen Buttrix

kitten persevering
what is cat, if not kitten persevering?
by Queen Buttrix April 14, 2021
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The hottest of takes, common on the left and the right, positing that Jews do not exist, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Closely related to the concepts of "Jews aren't Hebrews", "Jews aren't Israelites", "Jews stopped existing when Jesus", and "Jews are Khazars", all of which it may or may not overlap with, depending on the particular genre of meshugges.
Jews don't real. PROVE ME WRONG
by Queen Buttrix March 27, 2021
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An injection of bleach and hydroxycloroquine followed by ultraviolet light.
"Going to get my Trumpcine"
"It was nice knowing you, RIP"
by Queen Buttrix April 11, 2021
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Basically, a mocking way of saying "the Jews", implying antisemites are unintelligent
by Queen Buttrix July 17, 2021
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1. An Ashkenazi Jew (Hebrew from the Central/Eastern European Diaspora).

2. Pertaining to Ashkenazi Jews.
1. As an Ashki, I have a strong affection for the Yiddish language.

2. Dreidels don't actually come from Hasmonean times but were an Ashki invention.
by Queen Buttrix February 27, 2021
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Non-Jew, synonym of goy. From a Latin translation of the Hebrew word goy: gentilis.
For some reason, Nazis prefer the word gentile to goy, so make sure you call them a goy as much as possible.

Gentiles shouldn't have seders.

It's only challah if it isn't made by a gentile; otherwise it's just a Jewesque bread.
by Queen Buttrix July 10, 2021
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A memorable line said by Peter Gibbons in Office Space. Used as a sarcastic rejoinder to overblown Nazi comparisons, especially comparisons to yellow stars.
"Vaccine passports are literally yellow stars"
"You know, the Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear"
by Queen Buttrix March 30, 2021
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