89 definitions by Queen Buttrix

An enormous polycule with tons of members and that stretches across the inhabited world.
My research suggests that all trans lesbians are in the same superpolycule
by Queen Buttrix February 16, 2021
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Follow your leader, with that leader being Adolf Hitler. In other words, kill yourself.
"Gee it sure seems like no one is allowed to have opinions about the Jews here, huh"
"FYL Nazi"
by Queen Buttrix March 22, 2022
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CEO of Antifa i guess i dunno i dont watch much FOX
by Queen Buttrix February 23, 2021
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A way of saying "smoke pot", derived from a literal translation of the French phrase "fumer de l'herbe."
Would you like to smoke of the grass?
by Queen Buttrix November 21, 2021
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Phonetic spelling of "did you", which is, in fact, almost never pronounced "properly"
by Queen Buttrix June 15, 2021
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A blue state where enough of the population has been disenfranchised by the New Jim Crow as to hand power to a tyrannical oligarchy known as the Republican Party.
Don't let your state become a red state. Say no to Republicans at all levels of government.
by Queen Buttrix January 23, 2021
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