49 definitions by Pizzlej


Intelligence Quota. A number distributed to give people something to boast about, so they don't have to worry about real world accolades and achievement.
People boast about how IQ is genetic and predicts everything in life, while popping Adderall pills.
by Pizzlej February 12, 2019
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A typical black elder's preamble serving as a gesture of dominance and/or wisdom...
Young Tyrone: I ain't tall enough to be good at basketball.....
Black Elder: Let me tell you something...
by Pizzlej July 31, 2021
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i aint gonna lie

A formal declaration that what you are about to speak is plainly the truth. Although sometimes used deviously as a preamble to an actual lie.
i aint gonna lie , Tyrese got hops but he can't dunk on no 10ft rim.
by Pizzlej March 6, 2019
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Homo APEiens

Racist term, suggesting the disproven notion that, a separate hominid species, evolved into modern black people.
"You are all just some subhuman Homo APEiens ! "
by Pizzlej June 1, 2023
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Where my niggers at

TRANSLATION: Where are my fellow African Americans?

Used by blacks when they are in a predicament needing the support of fellow black people.
These two cops be harassing me !

Where my niggers at !?!?
by Pizzlej January 22, 2023
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getch yo' nappy.....

A common preface used to demand someone depart from your presence.
getch Yo' Nappy..... ass out of my face, fo' I whoop yo ass
by Pizzlej March 19, 2019
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Spanish for "Look".
mira! Don' -fuck with me. Latin Accent
by Pizzlej January 3, 2020
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