14 definitions by Pimp in the Box

a quick and easy exit to a losing argument. this comeback is the last resort and used only out of desperation when there is absolutely no way one can win the battle, therefore the retort "hey fuck you!" not only insults the opposition, but it closes the argument and seals the win
Jim: you dumb piece of shit, are you really that fuckin' stupid or what? Kyle: hey fuck you!
by Pimp in the Box February 18, 2009
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suggesting somebody to search a word on urbandictionary.com to find the true definition. this is only used when the word is obvious or just too graphic to say out loud.
Brittany: last night, Michael texted me and said he was going to give me a Strawberry Shortcake. I told him that I couldn't wait because OMG i love strawberry shortcakes. yummy! Courtney: OMG!!! ROTFL! urbandict it you stupid Bitch
by Pimp in the Box February 13, 2009
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a last second desperate plea in an attempt of ditching an unwanted engagement, commitment or obligation.
Father: do you, Steve, take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife. To cherish and to love. For better, for worse. In sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer? Til death do you part? Steve: *sighs* do I have to?
by Pimp in the Box February 17, 2009
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a phrase coined by Homer Simpson where a situation doesn't typically favor one's way and they're either powerless or too lazy to do anything about it.
Marge: (checking mail) Hmm free sample of Lemon Time Homer: Ooh, give it here. (chuggs bottle) Marge: Homer that's dishwashing liquid! Homer: yeah, but what are you going to do?
by Pimp in the Box February 4, 2009
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an example of a weak inferior team. often times an automatic, guaranteed victory
...Guy: hey dude who do you like in the Laker game tonight? Guy2: friggin' kidding me bro? they're playing the DETROIT LIONS of basketball, its a lock. Lakers 129 - Clippers 83
by Pimp in the Box December 29, 2009
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the phenomenon that occurs when engaged in an unwanted, boring, tedious conversation where your mind naturally drifts away and all you can think of is the deliciousness of Bacon and the wonderful joy it brings. usually followed by heavy drooling
(in head) man, I hate when she vents about her day when i'm trying to watch the game. I wish she'd shut the fuck up, give me a blowjob and later make me a BLT sammy. damn you know what, that does sound good right about now. mmm bacon. crispy, salty ... bacon... oh yeah baby (drools)
by Pimp in the Box February 5, 2009
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the hearty bacon extract that is produced from cooking bacon for a family of four, and then poured in juice cups. consumed by millions of Americans each day.
Mom: Johnny, breakfast is ready! Little Johnny: aww ma, this looks like yesterdays grease, you know how i like freshly greased bacon oj
by Pimp in the Box February 6, 2009
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