6 definitions by PiPd1234


A beautiful cave in which there are stuff to see. They are usually artificial (duh!) since they can't get a beautiful cave to show off (bruh)
I visited the grotto Ajanta Cave in summer.
by PiPd1234 October 31, 2023
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Despondent means feeling disappointed, dejected or even depressed. In simple words, feeling extremely sad.
She was feeling despondent after she lost a match.
by PiPd1234 October 30, 2023
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To behead means to cut one's head.
The guards beheaded the criminal for trying to escape.
by PiPd1234 November 21, 2023
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Pseuicide means to fake ones death or illness. Some people might confuse this word with suicide.
Huck pseuicides his own death and escapes when his cruel step father was away.
by PiPd1234 October 30, 2023
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Pseudonym is a fake name used by an author or poet to either conceal themselves from people who hate their works or because they do not like their name.
She used a pseudonym to write and publish her very first book of poetry.
by PiPd1234 November 21, 2023
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Me and my friends explored the plaza together.
by PiPd1234 October 31, 2023
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