9 definitions by PetiteSaucisse

When something is awful but funny at the same time and you want to say "that's aaawful" but you laugh while saying it.
oh noooo, that kid just dropped his ice cream scoop on the ground and now he's crying - that's hawful.
by PetiteSaucisse July 19, 2022
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A girly-girl (sometimes referred to as princess) who has a “soft cover” in reference to her sweet disposition and general agreeability. Like a paperback novel, she is conveniently carried around and brought up when there’s time to kill. That is to say, the paperback princess is undervalued by society and often overlooked for the pages and generalized by the cover.

A play on the children’s book title “Paperbag Princess” by Robert Munsch. The paperback princess, much like the paper bag princess overcomes her sweetness and naivety to rescue spare herself from wasting time on a loser guy.
Jared’s gone and found himself another paperback princess - I wonder how longs it’s going to take her to realize he’s a total prick.
by PetiteSaucisse November 16, 2021
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A collapsed overweight (or obsese) person due to prolonged, excessive physical activity. A portmanteau of the words "collapse" and "saurus" originating from various dinosaur species.
Exhausted from the steep ride up to the TV tower at Mont Pèlerin, she stopped her bike and face planted onto a field of dandylions, like the collapsaurus she was.
by PetiteSaucisse October 28, 2021
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1.A regional dish in Switzerland (Vaud/Valais) resembling a fondue "hot-dog" withouth the meat. A hole is first made on one end of a a baguette or long bun and then filled with hot fondue, creating a perfect snack on-the-go or in a crowded christmas market where tables are scarce.

2.A sexual act whereby the male ejaculates into the female without a condom. This term is distinguised from other similar acts by the sole fact that prior to the act, authentic Swiss fondue was consumed.
She met him on bumble and he proposed that they have "hot fondue", not knowing that was a regional form of actual fondue, she replied to him "OK, but not on the first date".
by PetiteSaucisse November 16, 2021
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A good looking blonde that never stops talking, i.e. goes "blah, blah, blah" rooting from the original term, "blonde" where a blonde goes "on and on".
Fuck, here comes another blahnde coming to steal our men.
by PetiteSaucisse November 16, 2021
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When someone is converted from being against the COVID-19 vaccine and automatically abandons solidarity with those who were opposed (as he/she/they) were just prior to the vaccine. A coverted person is one who did not get the vaccine due to being convinced of its scientific validity and effects, but rather for reasons of practicality or accessibility (traveling, going to restaurants, etc.). A coverted person is one that suddenly acts superior to unvaccinated persons regardless of sharing the same opinion just a day before their vaccination. A morally weak person who is ignorant and judgmental due to their recent vaccination status.
Julien coverted when he went to see his fiance in Thailand. Suddenly he couldn't empathize with the community that was uncertain about the vaccine because he was going to get laid, swim in the ocean and eat green curry.
by PetiteSaucisse July 19, 2022
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/mɔʃ/ - /ˈmɪnjɒn/
A compound word in french for "ugly-cute" often used to describe animals, people, and/or inanimate objects which upon first glance appear ugly, but upon further examination are kind of...cute. E.g. a bulgy-eyed chihuahua, most pugs, B.J. Novak, buck teeth.
That dog on the street had a lower jaw sticking out like a boat too far ashore, but I wouldn't mind adopting one like that, it's kinda moche-mignon.
by PetiteSaucisse October 28, 2021
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