12 definitions by Paul Rael

Also simply Bojohn. A neighborhood adjacent to Bessemer in Pueblo, CO.
Let's go to the Doo Drop in Bojohn Town.
by Paul Rael May 9, 2016
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A goatee that is generally worn long and is ungroomed. Coined due to the large number of these types of goatees existing on men (usually Hispanic) in Pueblo, CO
That guy wearing the flannel is rockin' the Pueblo scraggle.
by Paul Rael June 6, 2011
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Miscelaneous things of small but significant importance or value that, as a whole, add up to something substantial.
I don't have any major project but I have a lot of odds and ends.
by Paul Rael September 8, 2012
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(ding'*bat') n. Slang 1. A person, esp. a woman, lacking common sense and an ability to properly reason.
The dingbat backed into another car while talking to her girlfriend on her cell phone.
by Paul Rael March 10, 2008
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noun. An acute condition where a sudden urge to shit abruptly afflicts the patient, compelling him or her to make an undignified scramble to the nearest bathroom.
I had a crap attack and all the stalls were occupied so I ended up shitting in the stall without the door on it.
by Paul Rael November 7, 2011
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