15 definitions by Pam

Don't act like you don't understand.

Don't think for a minute that I'm going to believe you don't know the truth about the situation.
Girl, don't even trip. That man is not going to call you.

No, you can't use my credit card. Don't even trip.
by Pam December 1, 2003
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the boy was a Mcjigger after someone cut it and threw it on tha lawn
by Pam April 1, 2003
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a facial malady (i.e. pimple) arising on either the upper or bottom lip that still retains the puss filled, bloody, red buldging essence of a skin embedded pimple
Ben will not kiss Jill because she has a horrific limple.
by Pam December 14, 2003
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A blog that uses digital videos as entries instead of text.
I added that video of my cat eating onto my vlog today.
by Pam August 30, 2004
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A guy who lives and breathes sports, loves "getting some" from the ladies, but cannot be commited to a relationship because sports are too important to them. They are usually ass holes who take things for granted. Things not dealing with sports can only hold their attention for 2 minutesie. sex
Jake has played baseball all his life and wants to go to the majors, anything not having to deal with Baseball is rubbish.
by Pam January 24, 2004
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jddle is when a girl has too much fat on her body and when she walks the earth feels like its moving.
Wow.That girl makes a scene when she jddles down the hallway.
by Pam January 2, 2005
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