22 definitions by PBSPinchback

A mask worn in a fashion that covers the mouth only. This leaves the nose free for easier breathing while creating the impression that one is conforming to COVID protocols. This style has been observed everywhere from Walmart checkout lines to presumptive nominees for President of the United States.
Mike is sporting a mouth mask, but there is no danger because Mike is a mouth breather.
by PBSPinchback June 27, 2020
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A trophy that is awarded, usually to a child, simply for participating. It is based upon the idea that this will enhance their self-esteem and somehow make them better adults. Despite the fact that there is absolutely no empirical evidence to support this idea, the trophies continue to be awarded. These children ultimately become young adults who can't quite understand why employers in the real world do not share their exalted vision of themselves. Disillusioned and bitter, with plenty of time on their hands, many participated in the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ironically, no trophies were awarded for participation in this event.
Let's show Dillon how much we love him by awarding him a participation trophy for doing absolutely nothing.
by PBSPinchback January 25, 2014
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When a musician insists on playing a funky part in spite of the fact that the funk is not being supported by other band members, esp. drummers.
Greg’s funking through this gig no matter what.
by PBSPinchback January 27, 2022
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A steadfast believer in a political orientation that was hijacked by a former reality TV host.
Ray still believes the results of the 2020 election can somehow be reversed. Ray is a zip-tie Republican.
by PBSPinchback January 29, 2021
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An exceptionally terrible musical performance. After Yoko Ono, an utterly talentless performance artist who never would have been allowed anywhere near a recording studio but for her association with the late Beatle, John Lennon.
How was the Good Charlotte show last night?
Really bad. I mean, like, Yoko bad!
by PBSPinchback November 12, 2010
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A male media personality, often with a severely constrained intellect, that manages to have a successful career based almost entirely on a thick, full, lush head of hair.
David Muir is a talking hairdo.
by PBSPinchback January 9, 2025
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An upscale, gourmet version of a conventional TV dinner.
Honey, it's date night! Let's nuke a couple of HDTV dinners.
by PBSPinchback June 19, 2010
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