28 definitions by P. Kaltenbach

A historical period of suppression of suspected royalists and Girondists by the left thinking revolutionists of the day. Some estimates of up to 40,000 people killed are speculated.
Frenchman 1: We need to get rid of the counter-revs!
Frenchman 2: Lets grab that little girl and behead her I think we won't have to surrender to her because she's French too!
Frenchman 1: Oui. Let us proceed with our Reign of Terror.
by P. Kaltenbach January 11, 2008
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People rip on Bush for having speaking problems and a couple dumb quotes. However Dan Quayle beats him hands down (even though Quayle would suddenly look at his hands and say they are above his feet so he doesn't know what we are talking about)
Irritating Pro-Demo kid that is a disgrace to his party affliations: Bush sucks at life he is so stupid their has never been anyone as stupid as him in power!
Me: How 'bout Dan Quayle you douche bag.
by P. Kaltenbach March 17, 2007
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An event caught in many segment by celebrated documentrist Jerry Springer in which segments of the smurf peoples went to war over ideological differences in regards to Marxism or Maoism and is it morally correct to call she-males smurfettes. The brutal affair claimed many and the streets ran blue with the snot/shit/blood/guts/tears/various body parts of the little buggers. May have gone unnoticed due to inconsequence height wise.
The Great Smurf Wars claimed enough Smurfmen that muffin mix companies just pick up the bodies and add them to their mixes being cheaper than blueberrys (see Smurf-Contra Affair).
by P. Kaltenbach January 7, 2008
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Revolutionary Offensive for French Liberalism denotes a funny situation becuse such a group if they did exist would be utterly useless and ineffective despite their impressive name.
The ROFL is not an elite guerilla squad just a bunch of pansies with a flag...a white one at that! ROFL
by P. Kaltenbach February 1, 2008
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A country that only supported the Americas as a purely political gesture (seeing how they were a monarchy). Had many great military/political leaders until after Napoleon plus various great thinkers (Rousseu, Proudhon) until the 20th century. Got their asses handed to them in war lately in the last 200 years. Has a penchent for riots and unemployment lately also. Great food, great drink, and great history though but irratating accents. However, they do have this irratating habit of screwing over their ideological allies (H.R.E. and more recently U.S./Britain)
France the great super power of the world during the Enlightenment due to tacticile policies but no longer a serious contender for the title of world leader because of that WWII situation (forgetting to fly all but the middle color of their flag against Hitler).
by P. Kaltenbach December 4, 2007
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A totally useless ancient form of writing used to promote elementary teacher laziness and the 8 hour school day.
Elementary school students believe that cursive will be used all their lives and that desks will protect them from nuclear fallout, knaves.
by P. Kaltenbach April 28, 2008
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A person that uses rofl copter an obscene amount of times no matter the situation. This usually turns into a running joke.
Chad Goding is the original rofl copter commander.
by P. Kaltenbach February 1, 2008
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