130 definitions by Nutzen YerMouf

When one consumes too many chicken wings and develops a case of explosive diarrhea. This often requires a change of pants and underwear as the afflicted cannot make it to the bathroom quick enough.
Edwards friend Jacob set him up on a blind date with Ashley. Ashley was hot, and apparently a bit of a whore. Edward knew he was getting lucky tonight. The evening went well, Edward gobbled down about two dozen Buffalo wings. Drank a little, chatted with Ashley. They couple danced a bit in the bar, he was sure he was getting lucky tonight. Then.... his stomach started aching.

"I have a feeling I am about to make some Buffalo Chocolate", Edward said to his date.

Then it happened, Edwards bowels exploded all over the inside of his pants. Liquid shit leaked out of his pant legs and on to the floor.

"Gross!" Ashley said.
Edward, did not get laid that night.
by Nutzen YerMouf June 9, 2017
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Past tense: filiflustered
Verb: filiflustering

1. When members of congress get annoyed by the opposing side for filibustering their legislation

2. Annoyance when someone blocks you from progress
1. The Republicans were getting filiflustered at the Democrats for blocking their health care legislation

2. Jake cock-blocked Edward, filiflustering Edward in the process.
by Nutzen YerMouf June 7, 2017
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Being depressed because of your job or events relating to your job.
Everything in Jeff's life was great, but he had trouble focusing on his life as he was so consumed by his job caused depression. Jeff had jopression and it was making him suicidal. No matter how good or bad things were in his life outside of work, he was consumed by the feelings of hopelessness his job gave him. If left untreated it would destroy all the good things in his life and lead to full blown depression.
by Nutzen YerMouf February 17, 2018
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When you are feeling fine then suddenly you feel the urge to poop NOW! The poop pops out of nowhere, often leaving your friends, family, or coworkers wondering why you are running to the bathroom as quick as you can. Most cases of pop-tart poop ends with barely making it to the toilet with shitting while you are pulling your pants down. Some of the worst cases end with embarrassingly hiding your underwear from your wife in the washer, and a few people wondering why the odd brown stain on the ground in the hallway.
Dan was in a meeting going over 4th quarter financials with his boss and several coworkers. Suddenly his eyes got really big and he ran out of the meeting as quick as he could. When he came back, his boss asked what was wrong.

Dan said, "A case of the pop-tart poops, I was afraid I would shit my pants."

His boss answered, "I hate it when that happens."
by Nutzen YerMouf January 12, 2018
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A game played where two men each defend a goal and hit a ping pong ball with their erect penises at the other players goal. To score a player must get the ping pong ball in the other players goals. Hands are not allowed, the only part of a player's body that is allowed to touch the ping pong ball is the erect penis. The player with the highest score after erect penises shrink wins.
Chaz and Brock got really drunk at the frat party and decided to play boner pong.
by Nutzen YerMouf March 6, 2018
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The political wing of the Klu Klux Klan. They pride themselves on creating laws that hurt women, calling neo-nazi's and white supremacists "Good People", secretly wearing bed sheets out at night, and pointing to the one black person they could convince to join them and saying, "See, we're not racist"
In 2016 the Republikkklan's got Donald Trump elected president.
by Nutzen YerMouf January 12, 2018
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A combination of "Think" and "Spank"

When you are thinking of someone while masturbating.
I spink of you every night.
I am spinking of you right now
I spinked of last night while in the bathroom
by Nutzen YerMouf August 23, 2020
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