12 definitions by Nite Owl

Derogatory name for "Airbus" - a European commercial aircraft company
Unless you have a death wish, don't fly on a Scarebus.
by Nite Owl December 21, 2005
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n. a term for an affliction (normally applied to males) that causes one to become a pussy.

(alternate definition) n. the root cause of a man's unexplained bitchiness.
Bob said he can't go to the Tijuana Donkey Show because his mother would disapprove. I think its just a bad case of vagititis.

(alt) Glen is being a real grouch today. He must be suffering from vagititis.
by Nite Owl December 21, 2005
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n. a technique typically used by law enforcement wherein the wooden baton - traditionally made of wood from the hickory tree - is applied on or about the head and shoulders of a deserving miscreant resisting arrest or otherwise needing a lesson.
COP 1: "Last night, some drunk dude wanted to fight when I went to arrest him. Now he's in the hospital getting his teeth re-aligned."

COP 2: "How'd you get him?"

COP 1: "Gave him the ol' hickory shampoo."

COP 2: "Damn..."
by Nite Owl August 6, 2007
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n. particularly stubborn fecal matter that prefers to smear, as opposed to wipe-off; results in mass toilet paper usage and multiple flushes
I went through, like, two rolls of TP because I had a serious case of tar butt.
by Nite Owl December 21, 2005
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n. the remaining, un-flushed fecal detritus that refuses to go in the first flush; usually a few flakes or the occasional stubborn dingleberry
My wife gagged when she found my fallout in the crapper after Burrito Nite.
by Nite Owl December 21, 2005
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