
Visiting, hanging out with, take on a date. This word makes you sound much more awesome (typically if you didn't get any) after coming home from a date and you want to tell your friends.
(phone call)
Friend: Hey, what are you up to?
You: Being awesome -- I'm boinking Erica!
by Awesomemannumerouno April 8, 2011
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You can't say you're boinking somebody unless u got a penis
Girl 1-I boinked this kid last night
Girl 2-You can't boink someone unless u got a penis dumbass.
by Ali Babba April 18, 2005
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The male homosexual act of copulation(because sex implies a male and female).
Where are Stan and John? They've been gone for a while, I hope they aren't boinking again.

I was mad when I walked in and found my gay roommate taking a nap with another dude in his bed. Oh well, at least they weren't boinking.
by TJZ and JWZ December 2, 2006
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"I met this chick last night and I BOINKED her"
by guitar690 May 24, 2006
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A word that your parent's use to describe sex to you, even when you are an adult.
Oh my lord, Jennifer! You're... you're not BOINKING him, are you?

Yes mom, he's my husband.
by JenThe80'sFan October 18, 2003
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1. to fuck

2. a sound effect for when something bounces
i boinked your mom

the ball goes boink boink
by bob smith June 3, 2004
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