
An exquisite game,set in a post apocalyptic world after a nuclear exchange. The games brilliance comes from music,atmosphere and the weaving of the overall story. It's bleak,depressing,eerie and gritty. The 50's retro theme fits perfectly with the nuclear war plot and pulp comic sci-fi science&technology. The high-tech world that is described is done in a 1950's motif, giving excellent atmosphere and feeling.
The game itself is an rpg with somewhat non-linear gameplay. You are confined to the story ultimately, but still have a fair degree of freedom. The game is loads of fun any way you play and is equally interesting from start to finish.
If you understand what the guys at Interplay were going for you'll see what an amazing game this is.
If i had to describe the series with colours: fallout 1 is black,fallout 2 is green, and fallout:tactics is pink for being so gay
by Spectre April 12, 2004
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The fallout series- the best series of non-fantasy RPG's ever. Good for people who are sick of beards, magic swords and crap, and want a bleak, futuristic setting with drugs, violence, guns, ho's, etc.
by IkeM October 11, 2003
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Legendarily good RPG set in the post-apocalyptic world. First two games were first-class roleplaying gold, containing violence, humour and a number of cool film references. The Brotherhood of Steel spinoff for the PS2 was something of a misfire, though.

See also Power Fist
by Snake March 9, 2005
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Fallout II is a post-nuclear role playing game in which you play the part of the chosen one, the descendant of the Fallout I game, who must save his tribal village from destruction. for this, he must search fot the GECK, a holy artifact that can bring life to the wasteland. it´s a really cool game, get´s you out the dungeons and puts you in a dying and hostile wasteland filled with mutated beasts, wild-men, and there´s also a whale.
Come in Chosen One. there are things you must know...
by OMeGA August 2, 2004
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1. fallout is an airburst of biological pathogins, Nuclear bombing, or chemical toxin properties on earth.
2. a popular video game series made by interplay gameing studios, or bethesida game studios (depending on game).
Person- Must kill super mutant... NAO!!!!
by MASTACHIEFPWN May 10, 2009
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Best RPG period. Actually realistic setting unlike Dungeons and Dragons and that gay shit. Who needs wizards, magic, and swords when you can have plasma rifles that melt flesh right off of peoples bones, whores, mutants, drugs, armor that makes you look badass, and blowing people up to human sausage. Created by Black Isle
by Eric January 16, 2005
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(n) The airborne reminants of a massive explosiion, usually dust and debris blasted high into the atmosphere. In the case of vulcanos it is usually ash or superheated pumace, and it falls back to earth as acid rain, over a widespread area. Also used to describe the ash and radioactive debris that falls back to earth from a nuclear mushroom cloud.
1. Pompeii was covered by vulcanic fallout from Mt. Vesuvious.

2. I built a fallout shelter during the cold war when I thought the Russians were gonna nuke us.

by G.H.Hadden January 5, 2006
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