215 definitions by Nate

When you run into Burger King dressed as a giant hamburger saying you must save your people and start taking the hamgburgers outta peoples mouths and then proclaim that the aliens are coming
Some dude did a duimbbe today.
Wtf is wrong with those people!
by Nate October 15, 2004
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When you take a huge crap and it overflows from the toilet and goes on your feet.
Whats with your feet?
I had a duimbbe.
by Nate October 2, 2004
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when something stupid or awkward is said by one person, the offended/wierded out person for some reason, immidiately has the right to coursly rub the back of the idiots nech with two fingers in an attempt to hurt the idiot.
1. man that bathroom smells like hooch!
2. what? goose. it smells like goose?!
1. shit man! gimme mines!!
by Nate March 27, 2005
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Term commonly used by fans of the Cincinnati Bengals, recently resurrected as the Bengals begin to shapen up. Sort of a cheer...
Who dey think gonna beat dem bengals?
by Nate December 19, 2003
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A sarcastic derivative of lmao, lma means that you know what your friend just said was a horrible joke that he is laughing, and you think it was pathetic and don't really want to laugh at it all.
Person 1: Why did the republican cross the road?
Person 2: ?
Person 2: lma...
Person 1: *explodes*
by Nate August 12, 2004
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commonly used to sum up general mundane things. Used in place of shit but not for good things as shiznit
Why don't you clean up your shacka and get the hell out!
by Nate March 12, 2003
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